Available downloads
- H1 - Historic England, 2015, Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning Note 2: Managing Significance in Decision Taking in the Historic Environment. PDF, 233.6 KB
- H2 - Historic England, 2017, Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning Note 3 (Second Edition): The Setting of Heritage Assets. PDF, 323.21 KB
- H3 - English Heritage 2008 Conservation Principles, Policies and Guidance for the Sustainable Management of the Historic Environment. PDF, 287.38 KB
- H4 - Historic England 2019 Statements of Heritage Significance, Analysing Significance in Heritage Assets, Historic England Advice Note 12 PDF, 365.69 KB
- H5 - Cotswolds AONB Management Plan 2018-2023, Historic Environment and Cultural Heritage. PDF, 1.52 MB
- H6 - Historic England Advice Note 10: Listed Buildings and Curtilage, 2018. PDF, 1.74 MB
- H7 - Historic England 2018 Agriculture: Scheduling Selection Guide. Swindon. Historic England. PDF, 1.57 MB
- H8 - Turning the Plough: Update Assessment, 2012, Summary Report by Toby Catchpole and Russell Priest of Gloucestershire County Council for English Heritage. PDF, 8.17 MB
- H9 - Turning the Plough: Midland Open Fields: Landscape Character and Proposals for Management, David Hall, dated May 2001. PDF, 14.54 MB
- H10 - Extracts from Troubled Waters, The Great Cheltenham Water Controversy by David A O’Connor, dated 2007. PDF, 13.53 MB
- H11 - Institutional Landscape, Register of Parks and Gardens Selection Guide, prepared by Historic England, dated March 2013. PDF, 1002.03 KB
- H12 - Historic England Research Report Summary - Hewletts Reservoir DOCX, 14.63 KB
- H13 - Listing Descriptions PDF, 494.67 KB
- H14 - Valve House parallel PDF, 1.24 MB
- H15 - Cheltenham Local History Org 1910 Committee reports PDF, 3.98 MB
- H16 - CBC Mintes Explanatory Notes PDF, 84.61 KB
- H17 - 1887 Ordnance Survey Map PDF, 317.64 KB
- H18 - The Water Heritage 1987 PDF, 2 MB