Review of polling districts, polling places and polling stations general information and fact sheet

General information

In accordance with the provisions of the Representation of the People Act and the Electoral Administration Act 2013 Cheltenham Borough Council must undertake its next compulsory review of polling districts and places within the local authority area between 1 October 2023 and by 31 January 2025.

The review will commence on Monday 30 September 2024 for public consultation and will end on Monday 4 November 2024. Once concluded, final proposals will be collated and then considered by Full Council on Monday 16 December 2024.


The review must be undertaken to ensure that all electors have reasonable and suitable facilities for voting. When reviewing our polling districts, places and stations we will follow the following legislative guidelines;

  • each parish, parish ward is to be a separate polling district unless special circumstances apply
  • the council must designate a polling place for each polling district, unless the size or other circumstances of a polling district are such that the situation of the polling stations does not materially affect the convenience of the electors.
  • the polling place must be in an area in the polling district unless special circumstances mean it is not possible to locate an appropriate place for polling, then it can be wholly or partly moved outside of the polling district (for example, if no accessible polling place can be identified in the district)
  • the polling place must be small enough to indicate to electors in different parts of the district how they will be able to reach the polling station
  • all electors in the local authority have such reasonable facilities for voting as are practicable in the circumstances.
  • so far as is reasonable and practicable every polling place is accessible for electors who are disabled.

What has changed?

You can view our consultation documents below for further information on the proposed changes to polling districts and polling places, including written summaries for each ward.

There is also an interactive map of the existing polling districts and polling stations and the new proposed changes to the polling districts and polling places.

What is not covered by the review?

Boundaries of the parliamentary constituencies, county council division, borough ward parish and parish wards.

Supporting information


Steps for this review

  • We will give notice of the formal commencement of the review. We will publish the comments from the Acting Returning Officer for each constituency within Cheltenham. A public consultation is being held between 30 September 2024 and 4 November 2024. We will consider the representations received when we make the final recommendations. The final recommendations will be considered by full council in the meeting on the 16 December 2024.

Public consultation

  • A public consultation is being held between 30 September 2024 and 4 November 2024.
  • Electors in Cheltenham Borough Council may make representations in response to the proposals. Any representations made should, if possible, give alternative places that may be used as polling places. The council is required to make all submissions, relevant correspondence and decisions relating to the review process available for public inspection. They will also be published on this website.
  • For further information about how we use personal information, please see our privacy notice.

How to make a representation

Representations must be received by 5pm on Monday 4 November 2024. The quickest and easiest way to submit your representation is to feedback using our online form.

Feedback using our online form

You can also submit your representation by email to [email protected]

Or in writing to:

Electoral Services
Cheltenham Borough Council
Municipal Offices
GL50 9SA


  • A polling station should be within reasonable walking distance for the majority of the electors.
  • All polling stations should have access facilities for disabled electors, including wheelchair users.
  • Where permanent facilities for access to the polling station are not possible, the Acting Returning Officer will make temporary provision by providing a portable ramp to the venue. However it must be remembered that on occasion these ramps can cause a hazard and therefore not always a practical solution.

Practical considerations

When selecting a polling station there are some basic criteria which need to be considered:

  • Geographically central for the majority of the electorate
  • Appropriate for democratic use
  • Appropriate health and safety arrangements
  • Enough useable space
  • Parking access
  • Welfare facilities for the polling station staff
  • Be cost effective.

There are no legislative limits on the number of polling stations an authority can provide; however, a polling station should not have more than 2,250 electors allocated to it.


A polling district is a geographical area created by the sub-division of a UK Parliamentary constituency. All electors within the polling district will attend the same voting place (unless a postal vote is in place).

A polling place is the area or building in which a polling station is located within the polling district (unless special circumstances mean this is not possible).

A polling station is the room or area within the polling place where the process of voting takes place.


If you have any questions or queries in relation to the review, please phone 01242 264132 or email [email protected].