What is a community infrastructure levy (CIL)?

The council began charging the community infrastructure levy (CIL) on planning permissions granted from 1 January 2019.

The CIL allows local authorities in England and Wales to raise funds from developers carrying out projects in their area to fund a wide range of infrastructure that is needed to support new development. It does not replace Section 106 planning obligations which continue to be used for affordable housing provision and site-specific mitigation measures which are necessary to make a planning application acceptable in planning terms.

Development liable for CIL

If you’re applying for planning permission for any of the following you should complete the CIL additional liability form and submit it alongside your application for planning permission.

  • New buildings, conversions or changes of use that create at least one new dwelling
  • Residential extensions or annexes which increase the floor area of a dwelling by 100 square metres or more
  • New buildings, conversions or changes of use that create retirement homes or extra care homes

Some types of development are exempt, such as buildings into which people do not normally go, or go only intermittently for the purpose of maintaining or inspecting machinery or temporary planning permissions. There are some types of development, for example self-build housing, extensions, annexes and social housing, for which relief may be claimed.

Guidance on completing the form and further information on CIL is available on the Planning Portal website.

Calculate your CIL costs

You can use this online calculator to provide an indication of the level of CIL payable for your development.


CIL payments must be index linked from the year that CIL was introduced to the year that the planning permission is granted. Between 2 and 31 December we have to publish an annual CIL rate summary statement which sets out how indexation will affect all CIL chargeable development permitted in the following calendar year. Read the CIL rate summary statement 2023 to see the charging schedule which will apply from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022.

For more information on the preparation of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charging schedule, please visit the CIL page on the Joint Core Strategy website.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charging schedule adoption statement

Cheltenham Borough Council formally adopted their CIL charging schedule on 15 October 2018. For further information, download the adoption statement.

For further information

Please contact: [email protected]

  • For a CIL liability search on a particular site or property please enter ‘SEARCH REQUEST’ as the subject of the email and provide as much detail as possible to help us to identify the land or property. Please make sure you include an email address to which a response can be sent.
  • If submitting CIL Forms and/or evidence for a particular planning application or permission please enter ‘SUBMIT CIL FORMS/EVIDENCE’ as the subject of the email and provide the planning reference number, site address and contact details within the email.
  • For further information about any aspect of CIL in Cheltenham Borough Council please enter ‘GENERAL CIL ENQUIRY’ as the subject of the email. Please make sure you include an email address to which a response can be sent.