Uninhabitable properties
Cheltenham Borough Council can award a 25 per cent discount for a maximum period of twelve months for properties which are considered uninhabitable. The discount will end once any major or structural work is complete.
What is meant by uninhabitable?
A domestic property may be classed as uninhabitable if it is empty and requires, or is undergoing, major repairs to make it habitable. Major repairs can include structural alterations to the property. Major repairs are normally considered to be those which affect the fabric of the premises such as major roof or external wall repairs, foundation work and work relating to supporting walls.
To be eligible for a Council Tax discount, the property must be vacant (not lived in), unfurnished and be undergoing major repair works to make it habitable.
To help with an understanding of what can be classed as ‘major repairs’, please read the points below:
- Substantial repairs to the main structure of the property, such as roofs, walls, foundations. Replacing a seriously defective roof would probably be sufficient, but repairing a few tiles would not
- The cost and extent of works required to make the property fit to live in. Individual works such as installing central heating, double glazing, re-plastering, rewiring, replacement of floors and ceilings would not be enough to qualify if taken individually, but consideration would be given to the combined effect of otherwise minor works, in assessing an application
- General refurbishment or modernisation such as replacing old fashioned but serviceable kitchens and bathrooms will not be enough
Structural alterations
To qualify, any structural alterations would have to be substantial, such as a large extension. Minor items such as putting in a roof window or a porch would not be sufficient.
- You start work on the property on 1 January 2014 and complete the work on 1 March 2014. You would be entitled to the discount until 31 August 2014
- You start work on the property on 1 January 2014 and complete the work on 1 September 2014. You would only be entitled to the discount up to 31 December 2014
After the discount expires, the property is deemed 'long term empty' and the full council tax charge becomes payable with no further discount available.
Long term empty properties
Long term empty properties are unoccupied and unfurnished properties, which no longer qualify for any discount.
If the discount period has been used by the previous liable person then this discount cannot be re-awarded until the property has been occupied again for a significant period.
How to apply
If you wish to apply for this discount please contact the team. An inspection of the property will be required.