What you told us

We would like to carry out improvements to the play area on the pump room side of the park and would welcome your comments.
This may include landscape improvements, small refreshment facility, increasing the play area size, all weather surfacing and equipment for a wider range of activities.
We asked what you (and your kids!) think about the play area at the moment and how it could be improved. The consultation ran until 11 May 2015.
Consultation summary
Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill in the questionnaire on Pittville Park play area. We had nearly 350 responses.
Cheltenham Borough Council has big plans in store to make its most popular play area at Pittville Park an outstanding one for children of all ages and abilities to enjoy. We have committed to spending £300k on the play area with a further amount of funding from other bodies, to be raised in order to complete the project.
To start the project off we wanted to find out from people who use the park how they would like the play area to look; what they would like to see; what facilities should be provided and how it can be improved. Here is a summary of what you told us:
- The majority of users visit the play area weekly, throughout the year (less so in the winter) and throughout the day (although few in the evening).
- The play area needs to cater for 0-14 year olds.
- People were evenly split between wanting refreshments and a picnic area.
- An all-weather surface is very important.
- The key activities were swinging, climbing, sliding and water play.
The results from the questionnaires, along with many great suggestions, will form part of the design brief and tender document.
Councillor Chris Coleman, cabinet member for clean and green environment, says: "We'd like to thank all those that have taken the time to give us their views on how they'd like the play area to look. Given the number of responses we can tell how important this project is to a lot of people.
"We want to create an outstanding play area that is accessible to all. Residents from across the borough, county and beyond, use this park so we want to ensure we get it right so your input has really been invaluable."
If you have photos of play equipment or play areas that you or your child like, perhaps areas you saw on holiday, please post them on the Cheltenham Parks Facebook page, tweet us @cheltenhambc using the hashtag #pittvilleplay or send us an email.
If you would be interested in giving feedback on the draft design, please email to let us know and we'll be in touch.