Urban Design informal guidance notes
Informal planning documents have not been through any formal adoption process. We use them to establish development principles for key sites and they set the basis for negotiation between the council's planners and those interested in developing a site. The council cannot use them to determine planning applications. The advantage of these informal documents is that they can be prepared swiftly to respond to emerging situations.
Concept statements
These are short documents on key sites:
Gloucestershire Police HQ, Lansdown Road concept statement considers what form the residential development would take if the police station were to relocate.
Windsor Street/Prestbury Road Industrial Area concept statement considers how an industrial site in a range of ownerships might be redeveloped.
Fire Station, Keynsham Street concept statement considers how the existing fire station might be improved through redevelopment of the site.
Delancey Hospital Site, Charlton Lane concept statement considers how redevelopment of the hospital can be achieved, while retaining the site's historic buildings, green spaces and views.
Thirlestaine Hall, Thirlestaine Road concept statement considers the future of this soon to be redundant site including how redevelopment can take place in a manner which preserves and enhances both its listed buildings and its historic landscape setting.
Cheltenham Spa Railway Station concept statement considers potential improvements to the railway station site within the context of a new 15 year franchise.