Cheltenham is a Purple Flag town

In 2016, Cheltenham was first awarded Purple Flag status by the Association of Town and City Management (ATCM) in recognition of its excellent evening and night-time economy (ENTE). The award has been successfully maintained each year since then.
What is Purple Flag?
Purple Flag accreditation is renewable annually and in their feedback on our most recent renewal application (submitted in January 2023) the ATCM Purple Flag adjudication panel made very positive comments about the application and supporting documentation.
“Cheltenham’s evening and night-time offer should be recognised for its safety and care, its choice of food and dining venues, its vibrant arts and culture scene and the appeal of its attractive, well-used public spaces and active streets”.
The assessors especially commended the work of the Cheltenham Guardians, a self-funded organisation that goes above and beyond to provide a vital safety net for vulnerable women in the town centre at night.
The adjudication panel concluded “A great application all round”.
Contact: Colin Pilsworth, Night-time economy coordinator - [email protected]