Published on 29th July 2013

Cheltenham Borough Council has recognised the need to improve the way it deals with requests to have events in the borough to ensure they are dealt with more effectively and efficiently.
As a result, an internal events consultative group (ECG) has been created to consider all events to be held in Cheltenham. At the last cabinet meeting on 16 July cabinet considered a report outlining the work that has been undertaken to establish an events consultative group and a safety advisory group.
Membership of the ECG consists of officers from licensing, environmental health, parks and planning along with representation from relevant local ward councillors. The purpose of the ECG is to give events organisers the opportunity to discuss their proposed event with relevant officers and ward members to ensure that the appropriate advice and licences have been obtained to mitigate any adverse effects events could have. To date the ECG has considered 74 event applications.
In addition, the need for a safety advisory group (SAG) was also highlighted to ensure that events in the borough are run safely. A SAG has been setup with membership consisting of, amongst others, Cheltenham Borough Council officers, Gloucestershire Constabulary, South Western Ambulance Service, Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service and Highways.
Councillor Peter Jeffries, cabinet member for housing, safety and communities, said: “Cheltenham Borough Council is now leading the way in the county in terms of managing events. The new process gets the right people, including councillors for the first time, around the table to ensure events are well planned so that they do not cause undue problems for local residents whilst promoting Cheltenham as a great place to visit and live.”
For more information on organising an event in Cheltenham visit the council’s website.
For press enquiries contact: Kelly Carter, communications officer, telephone 01242 264154, email [email protected]
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