Published on 27th January 2015
At full council last night it was agreed Cheltenham Borough Council will support the recommendations of the TRO (Traffic Regulation Order) committee.
The borough council will pass their support on to Gloucestershire County Council (the TRO making authority) to progress to the next stage in the delivery of the Cheltenham Transport Plan (CTP).
At a council meeting in November 2013, Cheltenham Borough Council committed to further consider the Cheltenham Transport Plan once the recommendations of Gloucestershire County Council’s TRO Committee had been received.
At the meeting council considered the recommendations of the TRO committee meeting which took place on 15 January. The committee concluded that the Traffic Regulation Orders relating to the Cheltenham Transport Plan should be fully implemented, with the exception of the one relating to Boots’ Corner (the intersection of the High Street with North Place) which they have advised should be implemented on an experimental basis for an initial ten month period.
Councillor Andrew McKinlay, cabinet member for development and safety, says: “I am delighted that the Council has endorsed the recommendations of the County Council’s Transport Regulation Order committee; The Cheltenham Transport Plan is central to the delivery of the council’s aspirations for improvements to Cheltenham town centre. The implementation of proposed traffic changes will help to support the delivery of key development projects aimed at consolidating the long term economic performance of the town.”
The borough council, through the Cheltenham Development Task Force, has been developing a framework for the regeneration of Cheltenham town centre over a number of years. The task force considers that this, along with other commercial developments and public realm improvements will assist in maintaining the long term vibrancy of Cheltenham town centre.
A final decision will be made by Gloucestershire County Council on 4 February 2015.
For press enquiries, contact: Kelly Carter, communications officer, telephone 01242 264154 or email: [email protected]
21 voted for and 17 voted against supporting the recommendations of the Gloucestershire County Council Traffic Regulation Order Committee of the 15 January 2015.
An amendment was made to the motion to include the requirement of Gloucestershire County Council to provide; clear, quantifiable success/failure criteria set out in advance and quarterly updates on progress and assessment of the scheme.
GCC has the legal powers and responsibilities for introduction and implementation of the TROs to enable the CTP to be progressed. In order to assist it in making a final decision on the TROs, GCC is seeking the formal view of CBC as to whether or not it supports the making of the traffic system changes recommended by the GCC TRO Committee.
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