Published on 23rd August 2016

Last week, a non-resident of Cheltenham was prosecuted in Cheltenham Magistrates’ Court for littering, costing him more than £400.
Mr Alex Dickson (28) of Cutsdean Close, Bishops Cleeve, Cheltenham was witnessed by one of the council’s community protection offices dropping the remains of a lit cigarette on the ground near the Strand area of the High Street on 16 March 2016, before going into one of the local businesses in the area.
After waiting to see if the Mr Dickson was going to return and pick up his litter, the officer entered the business premise and saw Mr Dickson working at a machine in the back of the shop. The offence was explained to Mr Dickson but he did not co-operate with the officers requests to supply information and became abusive. After the officer had started to request police assistance, Mr Dickson agreed to supply information required.
The fixed penalty notice carries a penalty of £80 that is reduced to £50 if early payment is made. Mr Dickson failed to pay the penalty charge which left the council little option but to refer the matter for legal proceedings.
Mr Dickson received a summons to attend court but failed to attend, the Magistrates’ heard the facts of the case and found Mr Dickson guilty in his absence. He was fined £220 and ordered to pay costs of £230.88 and a victim surcharge of £22 totalling £474.88.
Councillor Andrew McKinlay, cabinet member for development and safety said: ‘’This course of action demonstrates that the council will not tolerate littering in its town and action will be taken against those who flaunt the law.’’
For media enquiries contact: Katie Sandey, communications and web team leader, telephone 01242 775037, email [email protected]
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