Published on 31st October 2019

Residents and local businesses are asked to give their views on the Cheltenham Plan in a six week public consultation starting on Monday 4 November and running until 16 December.
The plan will help to guide development in the borough up to 2031, and will be used in making decisions on planning applications and is a key part of ‘place shaping’ Cheltenham.
The community and stakeholders have been engaged throughout all the preparation stages and the plan which has emerged reflects their aspirations wherever possible, whilst also working to the requirements set by national legislation and guidance and the Joint Core Strategy (JCS).
Tracey Crews, director of planning, said: “I would strongly encourage residents and businesses to give us their comments on the Cheltenham Plan. I’d also like to thank those who have already engaged with us – your views are valuable in understanding what is important for Cheltenham.”
The document will be available to view online from Monday 4 November on the council’s website and at libraries, resource centres and the Council offices. A number of drop-in events will also take place giving an opportunity to discuss the consultation with officers:
- Swindon Village Hall, Church Road, Swindon Village, Tuesday 12 November, 3pm to 7pm.
- United Reformed Church Centre, Salisbury Avenue, Warden Hill, Wednesday 20 November, 3pm to 7pm.
For media enquiries, contact: communications team, telephone 01242 264231, email [email protected]
All local authorities are under a statutory obligation to prepare a development plan. Cheltenham Borough Council has chosen to do this through the preparation of two development plan documents; the Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy (JCS) and the Cheltenham Plan. Together the two plans will provide the planning framework for the borough until 2031 along with Gloucestershire minerals and waste plans and any neighbourhood plans made.
The guiding principles for Cheltenham Plan production have taken account of the need for clarity and brevity. In this respect, the plan avoids duplication with the JCS as much as possible, especially in terms of background information and scene setting. Whilst an amount of background information remains necessary to help justify the policy response, much of this is advanced though background papers and topic papers.
What has happened previously?
- Work on the preparation of the Cheltenham Plan began in 2012.
- The Joint Core Strategy has been undertaken with Gloucester City and Tewkesbury Borough Councils, which sets out the higher level strategic policies for the area. This was adopted in December 2017. This consultation is NOT on the Joint Core Strategy, but it the Cheltenham Plan is related to the Joint Core Strategy.
- The results of the previous consultations detailed below have helped the Council to ‘narrow down’ the alternatives available in meeting the Plan’s strategy.
- The Cheltenham Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State and considered as part of a public examination by an independent planning inspector in February this year.
Next steps
All representations received will be submitted to the Cheltenham Plan planning inspector. The inspector will assess whether the plan has been prepared in accordance with the duty to cooperate, legal and procedural requirements, and whether the plan is sound.
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