Our policy on open data

To be transparent is to be candid, open, obvious, understandable, and frank. Cheltenham Borough Council believes that the act of transparency is a key condition and driver for the delivery of council services. Information will be published in line with the policy on transparency, set out below:

  • We will provide access to all appropriate information so that it can be used to investigate and interrogate, usually but not exclusively, within a web based environment
  • We will keep to a minimum the amount of time and expenditure on collating and presenting this data. It will often be presented in a raw state with a relevant introduction as to its origins and purpose – to allow the user to understand where this data has come from, when it was posted and what it actually represents
  • If we haven’t already provided the information that you require, we will provide this information upon request, unless there is an exemption under the Freedom of Information Act or Environmental Information Regulations; the presumption will always be to disclose
  • For the avoidance of doubt, all commercial information, including contracts, information around contracts and spending associated with bought in goods and services that is not currently in negotiation is to be transparent
  • We will continue to look at new ways to find out how information is used by residents and businesses and what information is considered to be of value by residents. This analysis will enable us to target specific information at residents and others whilst not excluding information that may have a minority interest

We have a duty to be transparent in our business operations and outcomes. We recognise that the very act of transparency forces those employed at the council to question whether they are delivering value for money and are being effective in the provision of services to residents of the borough.

You are encouraged to use and re-use the information that is published by the council freely and flexibly, with only a few conditions as set out in the Open Government License for public sector information.

Councillor Steve Jordan – 13/01/2015