Equality, diversity and inclusion policy and objectives

As a council we work hard to reduce inequality, yet we know that some people still experience disadvantage and unfair treatment simply because of their personal characteristics or circumstances.

Equalities, diversity and inclusion policy

We have been working on our equalities, diversity and inclusion policy and now have a draft policy which we will be consulting on.  

Equality, diversity and inclusion objectives

Our equality, diversity and inclusion objectives are based around three themes and we are developing an action plan to deliver these.  Our three themes reflect the Local Government Association (LGA) Equality Framework for Local Government 2020 which is designed to help councils plan and deliver equality outcomes:

  1. Knowing our communities - we will listen and learn from our communities and use this to deliver services that work well for everyone 
  2. Leadership, partnership and organisational commitment - we will actively champion our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion and tackle inequality together
  3. Skilled and committed workforce - we will build a diverse and engaged workforce, where everyone is respected