How to apply for an allotment

To apply for an allotment, you need to be over 18 and a resident of Cheltenham. Your council tax should be payable to Cheltenham Borough Council.
If you live outside of the borough boundary then, unfortunately, we are unable to offer you a plot.
Non-parish residents living in the borough of Cheltenham can apply for a Cheltenham Borough Council allotment using our online application form. If you live in a parish, you will need to apply directly to your parish council.
You will be contacted when there is a plot available and this can take anywhere between a couple of months and two years, depending on the site you have applied for. (We do not contact you on receipt of your application form.)
Information on who to contact to apply for different sites is included on the allotment map. Green spots on the map mark the sites managed by the borough council and the blue spots mark the sites managed by other organisations. Or you can search for a site using our allotment directory.
Community groups
If you're looking to apply on behalf of a community group or organisation, please contact the allotment officer directly. Read our information on community gardening.
Waiting lists
The waiting lists vary from a couple of months to two years, depending on which site you apply for. There has been a big increase in the popularity of allotments over the last few years.
The shortest CBC waiting lists are for Alma Road and Warden Hill sites and the Midwinter and Hayden lists are not very long. Reddings Road and Terry Ashdown sites have a slower turnover of plots and a slightly longer wait.
You can find out more information about the waiting list for a specific site by clicking on the relevant pin on the allotment map.