Noise in the street

Noise in the street can be dealt with by us under the Noise and Statutory Nuisance Act 1993.

Noise that we can deal with includes:

  • noise emitted from a vehicle
  • noisy car repairs
  • car radios
  • car alarms
  • parked refrigerator vehicles

Traffic noise, noise made by military forces, or from campaigning demonstrations is excluded.

Loud speakers and chimes

Under the Control of Pollution Act 1974:

  • you cannot use loudspeakers (including chimes) in the street for advertising entertainments, trades or business.
  • loudspeakers for other uses are restricted to the hours between 8am and 9pm
  • we can licence use outside of these hours but not for advertising purposes or electioneering
  • vehicles selling perishable foods may use loudspeakers between 12 noon and 7pm and these times can be varied with local authority consent

Those found guilty of using a loudspeaker illegally in the street are liable to a maximum fine of £5,000 for the first or subsequent offence. We can consent to their operation for non-advertising purposes outside the 8am to 9pm time band in certain circumstances, but must consider the effect on the surrounding area before doing so.

A number of organisations are exempt from the general rules governing the use of loudspeakers in the street, including the police, ambulance and fire brigades.