Report dog fouling or other dog behaviours

Report animal mess to be cleared
We have a duty to clear animal fouling from public places, such as streets, parks, playgrounds and pedestrian areas.
You can report animal fouling to our cleansing team by emailing [email protected] or call 01242 262626.
Report a dog fouling or other dog related offence
You can report an issue where a person responsible for a dog is failing to do the following:
- Failing to pick up after their dog fouls
- Failing to carry a suitable receptacle to pick up after their dog
- Walking more than four dogs at any one time
- Failing to keep their dog under control or keeping it on a lead in a designated area
Before you make your report, please make sure you have the following pieces of information to hand:
- Details of the location, how often and when you believe the fouling is occurring – for example, every morning before 8am
- Details of the dog owner and/or a description of the dog
- Details of a vehicle involved (registration plate/make/model/colour)
- Any digital photos or videos you have as evidence
- The date and time of each incident if witnessed
Please note all details received will be treated in the strictest of confidence and will not be shared. You may receive further contact from a neighbourhood officer to supply a statement or to submit further evidence.
To report a fouling offence, please email the above details to [email protected].
What happens next?
A neighbourhood officer will investigate your report and look to take further action against those found responsible for an offence. Further action may include the individual being issued with a with fixed penalty notice (FPN).
Public space protection order
Dog fouling is a serious issue because it can cause Toxocara Canis - an infection which can lead to blindness. We have adopted a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) which makes it an offence not to pick up any poo from a dog in your charge. The PSPO applies to land open to the air and to which the public are entitled or permitted to have access to with or without payment. Dog poo must be removed immediately.
Our neighbourhood officers carry out regular patrols and will issue a fixed penalty notice if they witness someone committing a dog fouling offence. You ran report any breaches of the PSPO to these officers.