Get involved with litter picking

Thank you for your interest in keeping Cheltenham that little bit tidier. If you have been looking for litter picking equipment to help keep your local space free of litter, then look no further!
We can loan out litter picking packs to you and your group whether you're a small group who want to make a difference, out on a walk with some friends or on a well-known 'plog' (jog while litter picking!).
Your fantastic work will be supplementing the work of the council in keeping Cheltenham tidier.
If you'd like to get involved in litter picking but would rather not organise your own, you could consider joining one of the existing litter picking groups.
What is in a litter picking pack?
- Five litter picks
- Five hoops
- Black bin bags (general waste)
- Clear bags for plastic bottles, glass bottles (not broken) and metal cans
- Bag to carry all of the above
- We do not supply high vis' however we recommend you wear them!
What do I need to do to sign up?
- Read the litter picking risk assessment
- Send an email to [email protected] and include the following:
- Confirm you have read and will follow the risk assessment
- How many litter pickers/ packs you would like - Please note that there is a maximum of 3 litter picking packs per group
- Where you will be litter picking
- You will receive an email within two weeks confirming your registration and where you can collect the kit.
- Get started on your litter picking adventure!
What do I do with my litter?
- Put it in a nearby bin or next to an existing bin then email [email protected] with details of where you have put the rubbish and they will collect it as soon as possible (this is to ensure that it doesn't get classed as fly-tipping and it gets collected without any delay).
- Take a snap and upload it to your social media account. Be sure to let us know how you got on by using the hashtag #KeepCheltenhamTidy.
Keep Britain Tidy Great British Spring Clean (17 March to 2 April 2023)
This year Cheltenham Borough Council spported the Keep Britain Tidy Great British Spring Clean, which is the nation's biggest mass-action environmental campaign. During the campaign members of the great British public joined forces, coming together as a network of #LitterHeroes tidying the places that we love. This year, people up and down the country pledged to clean up over 400,000 bags of litter, collecting and recycling rubbish from our streets, parks, beaches, and other public spacesand made a huge difference to our neighbourhoods, parks and open spaces.
Recent social media posts
Grants available
There are grants available to support groups buying litter picking equipment. This will help us keep on top of our supplies for smaller groups as well as giving you access to more equipment.
Contact details
Please get in touch if you have any questions!
- Email: [email protected]
- Call: 01242 262626 and ask for the green space team.