Land at Oakley Farm

Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Public inquiry to be held as a virtual event

Opening on 7 September 2021 at 10am.

*Please note the inquiry will resume on 21, 22, and 23 February 2022.

Reason for inquiry

Appeal by Robert Hitchins Ltd relating to the application to Cheltenham Borough Council for: Development comprising up to 250 residential dwellings, associated infrastructure, ancillary facilities, open space and landscaping. Demolition of existing buildings. Creation of new vehicular access from Harp Hill at Land at Oakley Farm, Cheltenham.

An inspector appointed by the Secretary of State will hold an inquiry opening on the date shown above to decide the appeal. The inquiry will be held as a virtual event run by an Inspector in the normal way, but with the parties invited to join via Microsoft Teams or telephone.

Documents relating to the appeal can be viewed on PublicAccess, using reference: 20/01069/OUT

If you want to attend the inquiry please let the Planning Inspectorate case officer know as soon as possible before the inquiry, either by email or telephone, after reading the inquiry attendance information set out below. When contacting the case officer, it would be helpful if you could confirm whether you want to take an active part in the proceedings or want to attend just as an observer (see below).

Inquiry attendance information

Before deciding whether to take an active part in the inquiry, you need to think carefully about the points you wish to make. All written submissions from application and appeal stage will be taken into account by the inspector and re-stating the same points won’t add any additional weight to them. If you feel that taking part in the inquiry is right for you in whatever capacity, you can participate in a number of ways:

To take part using video, participants will need to have access to Microsoft Teams (via an app or web browser). Alternatively you can take part by telephone; calls are to an 020 number which will incur charges. If you just wish to observe the event, you should make that clear in your response to the case officer.  If you wish to take an active part in the proceedings, please make clear in your response whether you wish only to appear at the inquiry and make a statement, or whether you would also like to ask questions on particular topics. If you want to take an active part but feel unable to for any reason, and/or the points you want to make are not covered in the evidence of others, consider whether someone else could raise them on your behalf.

Registered participants in whatever capacity will receive individual joining instructions, providing details of any requirements, guidance and support, whether joining by Teams or telephone.

You should note that the event will be recorded by the Planning Inspectorate for training and quality assurance purposes.

Planning Inspectorate reference: APP/B1605/W/21/3273053

Case officer contact at the Planning Inspectorate: Kerr Brown – telephone: 0303 444 5243, email: [email protected]  

Core documents

List of core documents