Information already released (disclosure log)
Information which has already been publicly disclosed in response to freedom of information requests is available to be viewed in the disclosure log published on the website.
Information can also be accessed on our open data website pages.
The datasets that are published include:
- Payments to suppliers - Details of Cheltenham Borough Council’s supplier payments over £500
- Contracts and tenders - Details of contracts entered into by Cheltenham Borough Council since 1 October 2010
- Fees and charges - Details of fees and charges for what the council charges for its services
- Grants - Details of grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations
- Local authority land and assets - Information about Cheltenham Borough Council’s land and assets
- CCTV policy and codes of practice - Read the Cheltenham Borough Council CCTV policy and codes of practice
- Fraud - Details of counter fraud work
- Social housing - Details of social housing asset values
- Senior officers’ salaries and structure - Senior management roles and salaries
- Car parking - Breakdown of the income and expenditure on the parking account and how the authority has spent any surplus on its parking account
- Pay and pension policy statements - Read the Cheltenham Borough Council pay policy statement and policy statement for the Local Government Pension scheme
- Councillors, meetings and decisions - Council decision making processes, forthcoming council meetings and details of local councillors
- Corporate strategy - Find information about Cheltenham Borough Council’s corporate strategy on our website
- Maps - View our online maps detailing different services and areas in Cheltenham