Temporary use notice

This notice allows:
- the use of a premises for gambling when that premises does not have a premises licence
- an operator to use a premises temporarily for gambling
The notice can only be granted to a person or a company who holds a relevant operator licence from the Gambling Commission.
Can only be used for up to 21 days in a year.
Giving notice
1. You must provide us with:
Please note that the notice must be given to the licensing team not less than three months and one day before the day on which the gambling event will begin or it will not be considered.
2. You must then send a copy of the notice, within seven days to the following:
Gloucestershire ConstabularyCounty Police Headquarters
No. 1 Waterwells
Waterwells Drive
Telephone: 01452 754482
Email: [email protected]
The Gambling Commission
Victoria Square House
Victoria Square
B2 4BP
Telephone: 0121 230 6666
Fax: 0121 233 1096
Email: [email protected]
H M Revenue & Customs
National Registration Unit (Betting & Gaming)
Portcullis House
21 India Street
G2 4PZ
Telephone: 0141 555 3633
Fax: 0141 555 3506
Email: nru.betting&[email protected]
What happens next
If no objections are made then the event can proceed. You must then display a copy of the notice on the premises.
If objections are received the notice will be referred to the licensing committee to make a decision.
Objections may be received from the following:
- The licensing authority (Cheltenham Borough Council)
- Gloucestershire Constabulary
- Gambling Commission
- H M Revenues & Customs
They must be made within 14 days of the notice.