Environmental evidence

2016 technical update to the landscape character, sensitivity and capacity assessment of the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) now known as 'National Landscape' (2015)– Ryder Landscape Consultants

The key purpose of the study was to undertake a landscape character assessment of the urban edge of Cheltenham and the area of the Cotswolds National Landscape that falls within Cheltenham Borough. This includes:

  • A Landscape Character Assessment;
  • Assessment of the sensitivity of identified Landscape Character Areas; and
  • Identifies key visual receptors, significant views and viewpoints and sensitivity of receptors to change, considering quality and distinctiveness.

The 2016 update to the study didn’t change its key conclusions on the importance and sensitivity of the AONB or the four (small) areas where it identifies that some development may be possible given an appropriately sensitive scheme. It made some corrections to text identified through consultation and incorporates the suggested additions to the text suggested by Natural England and the Cotwolds AONB Board.

During the consideration of any planning application this study would be only one factor which would need to be weighed in the balance with other issues such as the proposals’ design and sustainability; and its value in relation to the environmental, social and economic principles of planning before a decision is taken.

Local Green Space study report (January 2015)

We have worked with Gloucestershire Rural Community Council (GRCC) to produce a report pinpointing the green areas of particular importance to local parishes and neighbourhood groups.

National planning policy allows local communities to identify green areas of particular importance to them through the Council’s Development Plan or neighbourhood plans. By designating land as Local Green Space (LGS) local communities are able to rule out new development other than in very special circumstances.

In October 2014, Cheltenham’s parishes and neighbourhood and community groups were asked to identify which areas of land would be good candidates for this designation. The report identifies 29 areas which the communities thought might be suitable to be designated as Local Green Space. The Cheltenham Plan subsequently designated 16 areas as Local Green Space.

Biodiversity Audit (June 2008)

The Biodiversity Audit is a borough wide audit was carried out by Middlemarch Environmental Ltd. Its purpose is to provide guidance on:

  • the potential distribution of protected species, UK priority habitats and species, and habitats and species identified within the borough
  • the probable function of the key areas of search for wildlife corridors
  • management recommendations for prioritised sites in Cheltenham Borough Council ownership

Green Belt Review (March 2007)

The review considered how defensible Green Belt boundaries were and identified where the existing inner Green Belt boundaries were 'weak'. A search was made for potential Green Belt boundaries within the Study Area which would be ‘strong’ in terms of their defensibility and which could be physically linked to existing boundaries. Potential Green Belt boundaries in the wider Study Area were also considered.

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment - Level 1 (September 2008)

Gloucestershire County Council, in partnership with  and the six district councils have commissioned Halcrow to produce a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) covering the whole of Gloucestershire. The SFRA identifies levels of flood risk from all sources of flooding in the county Gloucestershire County Council and the six district councils have worked together to produce a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) covering the whole of Gloucestershire. The SFRA identifies levels of flood risk from all sources of flooding in the county.

The various elements of the SFRA can be downloaded using the links below.

Please note: the maps included within the SFRA are very detailed and therefore very large files which may take some time to download.

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment - Level 2 (October 2011)

A Level 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment was commissioned Cheltenham, Gloucester and Tewkesbury. This provided a more detailed assessment of areas which were identified as potential development locations. It used information from SFRA Level 1 to determine which areas require a further assessment of flood risk.

The various elements of the SFRA can be downloaded using the links below. Please note that some of the PDF documents are large and may take some time to download.