Other evidence

Social, sport and open space study

Knight, Kavanagh & Page was commissioned in 2016 to produce an open spaces study. To make sure planning policies are ‘sound’, local authorities have to demonstrate a robust assessment of need for open space, sport and recreation facilities. The long-term outcomes aim to deliver:

  • networks of accessible, high quality open spaces and sport and recreation facilities, in both urban and rural areas, which meet the needs of residents and visitors that are fit for purpose and economically and environmentally sustainable
  • an appropriate balance between new provision and the enhancement of existing provision
  • clarity for developers and landowners about our requirements and expectations around the provision of open space and sport and recreation facilities

View all the documents associated with the study.

Engaging communities project

Gloucestershire Rural Community Council (GRCC) was commissioned by Cheltenham Borough Council in 2016 to support communities in Cheltenham borough to consider their aspirations and present these in order to inform the Cheltenham Plan. The Cheltenham engaging communities project report has been compiled by GRCC, working in partnership with organisations and leaders in twelve communities. The report is structured in two parts:

  • Part one of the report provides a summary of activity as an overview across Cheltenham borough, summarising each community’s approach and drawing out key messages.
  • Part two of the report is presented as 12 separate documents, each containing a chapter devoted to one community, tracking their approach to the task and drawing out their conclusions, aspirations and priorities. Each chapter contains appendices which provide fuller detail of a profile produced by the community and outputs from engagement activities they have conducted as part of this project, plus relevant previous activity. Extracts from each community’s chapter are also included in annex B of this report.

View all the documents which make up the report.