Joint Waste Team

The Joint Waste Team (JWT) is formed by the officers who serve the Joint Waste Committee (JWC) and make sure that services are working well from the point of view of customers, the various legal and financial aspects of dealing with waste and street cleaning, and of course finding the most environmentally suitable way of dealing with the many types of recycling and waste which are collected and dealt with in the county.
JWT officers who used to be employed by their own local authorities, are now employed by Gloucestershire County Council - GCC (as administering authority) on behalf of the JWC.
The JWT has taken on the contract management of waste, recycling and street care services for Cheltenham Borough Council, Cotswold District Council, Forest of Dean District Council and waste disposal for Gloucestershire County Council.
Over the last two decades, the roles of waste collection authorities (district councils) have become more complex and interdependent on the roles of county councils as waste disposal authority and vice versa. There has also been growing interest in sharing services across district boundaries to benefit from economies of scale.