Do I need listed building consent?

In general, the following works are very likely to require listed building consent (please note that this is not a full list).

  • demolition of the whole or part of the building, or anything within the curtilage built before 1948
  • the removal of any internal walls or stud partitions, or provision of the same
  • the removal of doors, windows, chimney stacks or chimney breasts, the removal of staircases, porches and balconies. Listed building consent will be required to replace windows/doors even if the new windows/doors are to be of the exact same design, material and finish.  Repair to windows and doors may not require listed building consent providing they are carried out in a like-for-like manner but if there are changes in materials, appearance or in some cases colour, you may need consent
  • any extensions or new additions to the building, including porches or conservatories. Some extensions may also need planning permission depending on their size or location
  • changing the roof covering, for example from natural slate to imitation slate. Even if the same roof material is to be used consent may be required if there are any proposed changes to the roof timbers or structure or to the appearance of the roof as part of re-roofing works
  • painting exterior brickwork, render, flint or stone for the first time or changing the colour of previously painted work
  • adding objects to the exterior such as shutters, signs, advertisements, sunblinds, meter boxes, satellite antennae, spot lights and renewable technology devices (e.g. solar panels and wind turbines)
  • the removal or alteration of panelling, fireplaces or decorative plaster work
  • the removal or alteration of outbuildings, garden walls, gate piers, gates and railings which pre-date 1948
  • building a separate building or structure within the property's curtilage may not require listed building consent but planning permission will be required
  • putting up a fence, wall or installing gates within the curtilage of a listed building will require listed building consent if the structure is to be attached to the main building or any curtilage building. You will need to apply for planning permission if you wish to erect or add to a fence, wall or gate and your house is a listed building or if it will be within the curtilage of a listed building, or where the fence, wall or gate, or any other boundary involved, forms a boundary with a neighbouring listed building or its curtilage

Buying a listed building

You are legally required to obtain the necessary consent for any alterations, extension, or changes to the building and associated structures within the curtilage and this includes unauthorised works carried out by previous owners.

Energy performance certificate (EPC) exemptions

An EPC is legally required when a building is built, sold or rented and is valid for 10 years. The Historic England website has information on how to get better energy performance from a listed building. They have also produced guidance on energy performance certificates.

Urgent works

If you need to carry out urgent works, in the interest of health and safety or for the preservation of the building, you must give us notice in writing.  Please email details of any urgent works to [email protected] or phone us on 01242 264328.