Apply for listed building consent

You will need to get listed building consent from the council before carrying out any building works, however minor, which will affect the character or appearance of a listed building. It is a criminal offence to carry out works to a listed building without having first obtained listed building consent.

Make an application

Apply online using the Planning Portal.

You can also submit applications to us by post or email. Find more information on making an application, including application forms.

The documents required for a typical application for listed building consent are:

  • a completed application for listed building consent form form. External works that normally require planning permission , will also need planning permission on a listed building and require the joint planning permission and listed building form
  • a site location plan, based on an ordnance survey plan, at 1:1250 showing the site outlined in red and any other land owned or controlled by the applicant outlined in blue
  • a block plan at scale 1:500 showing site boundaries, roads and trees (this may not be needed in all circumstances)
  • plans and elevations at 1:100 or 1:50 (again, these may not all be appropriate in all circumstances)
  • detailed drawings at 1:20, or larger, for specific items of work and detailing such as windows
  • a certificate of ownership in accordance with Section 11 of the Listed Buildings Act. There are four certificates A-D, covering a range of circumstances. Where the applicant is not the building owner, notices must also be served
  • a heritage statement. This should briefly set out: the history of the building and its historical development; the background to the proposals which form the basis of the application; the reasoning behind the proposals, how these fit into the context of the building itself, and how they help to preserve the special character of the building and to preserve the historic fabric; details of why the proposed intervention is justified