Work covered by a disabled facilities grant

Grant assistance is mandatory for essential adaptations to give the disabled person better freedom of movement into and around their home and access to essential facilities within it. Adaptations range from ramps, stairlifts, replacing a bath with a shower to the construction of a ground floor bathroom extension.

Council tenants and housing association tenants requiring minor adaptations such as grab rails can request this work directly from their landlords. If you are a Cheltenham Borough Homes tenant please read the information sheet on disabled adaptations.

In some cases where adaptations are considered too costly or not feasible, it may be necessary to consider rehousing to a more suitable property. There is a discretionary grant available from the council that could help with relocation costs and/or purchasing costs of a new property. For more information please read our information sheet on relocation grants.

Information about rehousing to a council or housing association property can be found at Homeseeker Plus.

Often disabled people feel the cold more as they are sitting still for long periods of time. Information on a range of energy issues can be found on the warm and well website.

Gloucestershire councils are working together give residents support and guidance to apply for a disabled facilities grant. Find out further information and a step by step guide.