Thinking about applying for an allotment?


The most common reason quoted for giving up an allotment plot is that it took much more time and energy to look after than anticipated. For example, heavy compacted clay soil or a long neglected plot will not become a bountiful garden of plenty overnight.

Television and radio programmes can sometimes give the impression that it can all be managed with very little time spent. Most current allotment tenants would disagree!

Think about how many hours you have available. Are you looking to grow most of your vegetables yourself or simply supplement the weekly shop? Talk to allotment holders about how much time they spend on the plot at different times of the year.

If you do not have a lot of free time, you might like to think about growing in your flower beds or in pots or grow-bags at home. For example, our allotment officer found it a struggle to manage a full-time job and a full-sized allotment and chose to dig up some of the lawn at home instead.

We don't want to put anyone off having an allotment! But it is worthwhile being realistic about what you can do and what the plot requires.

Tips for new tenants

Have a look at our videos:

Apply for an allotment

Find out how to apply for allotment