Processing payments privacy statement
Why we collect information about you?
We collect information to enable payments to be made for council services.We may use your details if we need to contact you about the service.
The payment service is provided by Civica UK Limited.
What information do we collect about you?
Dependant on the service you are making payment for, we may collect information about:
- You or your business (name, address)
- Contact telephone number
- Email address
- Vehicle registration number where relevant
- Credit or debit card details*
- The service you are making payment for
*We only have access to the last four digits of the card number which enables us to undertake refunds and assist with queries regarding debit or credit card payments.
Who do we share this information with?
- Internal council departments who require the information to deliver and administer the service.
- Some personal details will be disclosed to banks and other financial institutions in order to process the payment.
- We may also share your data with other agencies or organisations where the law allows us to do so for the prevention and detection of crime. This includes the Police and other departments within Cheltenham Borough Council.
Is there any information transferred to or stored on servers based outside the EEA?
How long do we keep your information?
We keep information about you for a maximum period of seven calendar years (six years plus current).
Who do we collect information from?
- You and/or a relative or representative of you or your company.
What are the consequences if we do not collect the data?
The council will be unable to provide you with an electronic online payment service.
Are any decisions about you made by automatic means?
Yes. Some details will be disclosed to banks and other financial institutions electronically in order for them to process or decline debit or credit cards payment.