What is corporate governance?
Corporate governance is about how we ensure that we are doing the right things, in the right way, for the right people, in a timely, inclusive, open, honest and accountable manner.
Good governance means that we have the right systems, processes, cultures and values in place, to ensure that we account to, engage with and, where appropriate, lead our communities. It also means that our elected members and staff will conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of conduct.
We are committed to effective corporate governance, which includes four key areas of our work.
1 - delivering high quality services
Including services provided:
- on an in-house basis
- by private sector contractors employed by the council
- jointly with other councils or agencies
- by the voluntary sector
2 - effective use of resources
We seek to:
- provide excellent value for money
- make the best use of the resources available to us
- protect the interests of local people.
3 - consulting
We aim to build a strong sense of community and encourage individual citizens to play a full and constructive part in the development of their community. We consult with the community and partners on a range of issues including the corporate strategy and budget proposals the results of which are published on the website.
4 - partnership workingA key component for service provision. We seek to provide leadership to the community through our ability to influence others and to promote the economic, cultural, social and environmental well-being of the area.
Good corporate governance
Cheltenham Borough Council embraces the following three over-arching elements of good corporate governance and continually works to ensure that they underpin the delivery of the services:
- Openness and inclusivity - being open through genuine consultation with stakeholders and providing access to full, accurate and clear information and seeking to ensure that all customers and partners have the opportunity to engage effectively with the decision making processes and actions of the council
- Integrity - including both straightforward dealing and completeness, based upon honesty, selflessness and objectivity. High standards of propriety and transparency in the stewardship of its funds and management of the council's affairs
- Accountability - whereby members and officers are responsible for their decisions and actions, including their stewardship of public funds and all aspects of performance, and submit themselves to appropriate external scrutiny