Use of resources
In May 2010 the government announced that it would abolish comprehensive area assessments including the Managing Performance and Use of Resources assessments, this work ceased with immediate effect.
External audit work will still consider the council's use of resources as part of its end of year audit work and is reported upon within the annual audit report.
2008/09 assessment
The results of the 2008/09 use of resources assessment were included within the KPMG 'Report to those charged with governance 2008/09' which was reported to the audit committee on 30 September 2009.
The report concluded that that the council was at level 3 overall and at level two (adequate performance) for the governing the business theme and level 3 (good performance) for managing finance and managing resources.
They also concluded that these are strong scores, indicating that the Authority has sound processes in place and were able to demonstrate good outcome and impact.
Area | Score |
Managing finances |
3 |
Governing the business |
2 |
Managing resources |
3 |
Use of resources overall |
3 - performs well |