Chief executive

Gareth Edmundson is the council’s chief executive and holds the statutory role of head of paid service. His role and responsibilities include:
- ensuring that the strategic aims of the council are clear and reflect our vision, values and the needs of the people of Cheltenham, and that these aims translate into effective delivery that is visible to the communities we serve, balanced against available resources
- leading the delivery of services through a robust mixed-economy approach such as commissioning, direct delivery and collaborative partnership frameworks
- together with the deputy Chief Executive, perform the role of key commissioner by overseeing effective and appropriate commissioning activity and putting in place appropriate client relationship and contract management
- providing leadership and direction to the staff employed by the council and promoting a customer-focused and performance-driven culture which supports our organisational values and responds to the priority needs of the Cheltenham community
- chairing the executive board
- positioning the organisation to meet current and future challenges with particular focus on role modelling, innovation and fostering collaboration
- developing and continually improving corporate strategy, policy and organisational culture across the council
- promoting strategic partnerships across Cheltenham, the county of Gloucestershire, and beyond, to ensure the development of shared commitment and capacity to achieve improved outcomes and public services for the community of Cheltenham
You can contact the chief executive by email.