Director of major development and regeneration

Paul Minnis is the council’s director of major developments and regeneration. His role is to lead in the delivery of development and regeneration solutions for the council’s land interests and key sites in the town to drive forward Cheltenham‘a economic recovery, including the Golden Valley Development, and our corporate priority of becoming the UK’s cyber capital.
Paul's responsibilities
Paul is responsible for the following services.
- Delivery of key council sites, commercial joint ventures, high profile and complex development projects and drive forward regeneration schemes as part of Cheltenham’s economic recovery
- Delivery of the Golden Valley Development.
- Work closely with strategic partners to establish and develop effective networks at senior levels to promote the council, including government bodies, other local authorities, Homes England, land owners and their agents, GFirstLEP and developers.
- Lead partnering approach for the Joint Core Strategy and progression of all planning applications between Cheltenham Borough Council and the appointed development partner and other key stakeholders for the Golden Valley Development.
- Planning advice and input for all major developments and regeneration schemes and strategies; maintaining effective working relationships with all relevant statutory bodies including the relevant Local Planning Authorities, Gloucestershire County Council and other agencies.
- Key infrastructure projects for the council, ensuring that relationships are effectively managed with key external stakeholders.
- Development and implementation of the council’s housing delivery strategy – working alongside the head of housing and homelessness and key partners such as Cheltenham Borough Homes.
- Building control ensuring a high quality, technically experienced pool of professionals who deliver an excellent service.
Contact details
You can contact Paul by emailing [email protected].