Taxi electric vehicle proposal – Information and FAQs
Following the announcement by the cabinet member for customer an regulatory services, the wheelchair accessible vehicle (WAV) policy implementation has been cancelled and replaced by an ambition to transition the licensed hackney carriage (taxi) fleet to 100% electric WAVs in the next 5 years.
It was understood that by cancelling the initial WAV policy, a number of issues would arise that the authority will need to address to assist the trade with the immediate implications, but also with the longer term plan and policy to follow.
This page therefore provides this information including frequently asked questions we have received.
Immediate implications
The decision notice has been published. The immediate implications following the decision are:
A decision to remove the WAV implementation date will also require a number of decisions to provide clarity on the interim positon (i.e. the time between the decision to remove the WAV implementation date and adoption of a revised policy) that has arisen. To this end, it is also proposed that the following decisions be incorporated, that during the interim period:
That the requirement to license a WAV continue to apply to all new hackney carriage vehicles (i.e. never licensed before); and
- Subject to consultation, that older and more polluting vehicles (Euro 3 and Euro 4) be phased out in by implementing a requirement that these vehicles will need to be replaced with a WAV; and
- Continuation of licensing of existing vehicles manufactured to Euro 5 and Euro 6; and
- Recognising that some vehicle proprietors have already converted to WAVs, that the authority will honour the maximum vehicle age limits under which they were licensed but subject to a maximum period to 2030 to coincide with the authority’s carbon neutral commitment.
- The authority will, on a case-to-case basis, allow existing vehicle licence holders to, in exceptional circumstances, replace their vehicle on a “like for like” basis during the interim period. The exceptional circumstances will be limited to situations where a replacement is necessary, for example following an accident, write-off or mechanical failure.
Frequently asked questions
Licences that expire on 31 December 2021
Licensed hackney carriages that have been issued with shortened licenses will have their licence expiry dates extended and new licences and plates issued in due course. There is no need for licence holders to do anything or contact us.
Existing WAVs
We recognise that some licence holders purchased WAVs under the cancelled policy. We have therefore agreed that: "Recognising that some vehicle proprietors have already converted to WAVs, the authority will honour the maximum vehicle age limits under which they were licensed but subject to a maximum period to 2030 to coincide with our carbon neutral commitment."
If you have therefore licensed a WAV under the cancelled the WAV policy, your vehicle will be the last to need to convert to an electric vehicle.
- WAVs licensed before March 2018 that were manufactured between 2005 to 2012 will be able to be renewed until they are 14 years old (from date of registration).
- Converted/adapted WAVs licensed after March 2018 will be able to be renewed until they are 10 years old (from date of first registration).
- Purpose built WAVs first licensed after March 2018 will be able to be renewed until they are 14 years old (from date of registration).
After your WAV has reached the end of its licensing life, you will need to comply with the policy in force at that time.
Relicensing surrendered or expired non-WAVs
We cannot relicense non-WAVs that were surrendered or not renewed under the cancelled policy. There is no legal process or discretion to relicense these vehicles other than a new vehicle application. However, a new application will require you to comply with the policy that applies for new hackney carriage vehicles including the requirement to license a WAV less than 5 years old.
Replacing vehicles
A number of licence holder have asked about replacing existing licensed vehicles in the interim period (i.e. the period between now and when a new policy has been adopted).
The following will apply during the interim period in accordance with the decision taken:
- Existing WAVs cannot be replaced by non-WAVs
- Existing non-WAVs can be replaced for another non-WAV in cases where a replacement is necessary, for example following an accident, write-off or mechanical failure.
Maximum age limit and emissions for private hire vehicles
Whilst the electric vehicle proposals applies to licensed hackney carriage vehicles, the authority is also mindful that attention should be given to ensuring the licensed private hire fleet is improved in line with our ambition to move towards carbon neutrality.
Therefore, the forthcoming policy consultation will also include proposal to ensure licensed private hire vehicle emissions improve to an acceptable standard.
New policy
We are currently working on a new policy incorporating the changes announced by the cabinet member for customer and regulatory services, including how this authority will transition the fleet.
This policy will be subject to consultation in due course.