Climate Change Supplementary Planning Document

Following a unanimous vote by members on Monday, 20 June 2022, the council’s new climate change supplementary planning document (SPD) is now available for all Cheltenham residents, developers, and homeowners. 

The SPD enables planning policy to drive the positive change that the council wants to see from large and small developers around the borough.

Its purpose is to enable sustainable design and construction, and help reduce the negative environmental impacts of the property development industry.

The SPD incorporates guidance on different aspects of sustainable design and construction including energy and carbon, climate change adaption, water efficiency, flood prevention, pollution, sustainable transport, biodiversity and waste reduction. It also includes a checklist to help applicants and those thinking about new development and retrofit to produce a sustainability statement to demonstrate how they are responding to climate change and related issues.

The publication follows a four week consultation process which gave residents, developers, businesses and community groups the opportunity to have their say on the document. The comments from this process have ensured that the council produces the most valuable document possible