Central Conservation Area Character Appraisals & Management Plan (February 2007/July 2008)

Local planning authorities need to make an assessment of the special character and appearance of all conservation areas in their districts. This assessment should be reviewed every five years.

The appraisals provide an assessment of the character of conservation areas or their parts. This appraisal provides the basis for an accompanying management plan which gives guidance on how the preservation or enhancement of the conservation area can be achieved. It also provides a sound basis for development control and other decisions made by local authorities (such as the design of highways or the appropriateness of the design of new buildings or open spaces).

16 character appraisals and management plans have been adopted as supplementary planning documents (SPDs) for the Central Conservation Area. They were adopted by the council on 28 July 2008. This completes coverage of the Central Conservation Area which has been divided into 19 character areas in total. Management plans for the previous 3 character areas were adopted in February 2007.

Both the appraisals and management plans went through a period of public consultation before the management plan was adopted as an SPD, which will be used in conjunction with the Local Plan as a material consideration in determining planning applications.

Important note: On 29 June 2009, the council approved an amendment to the boundary of the Lower High Street character area, which forms part of the Central Conservation Area. The approved amendment has meant that Brailsford House on Knapp Lane and its associated land (to the south and east of Brailsford House) is now included within the boundary of the Lower High Street character area. As a result the relevant maps within the Central Conservation Area Supplementary Planning Documents have been amended to show this boundary change.

Character appraisal and management plans

  1. Bayshill 
  2. Montpellier
  3. Old Town
  4. Lansdown
  5. Suffolk Square
  6. Eldorado
  7. Dean Close & Hatherley Park
  8. Tivoli
  9. The Park
  10. The Suffolks
  11. Bath Road
  12. Leckhampton
  13. College
  14. St. Luke's
  15. Sydenham
  16. Fairview & All Saints
  17. Pittville
  18. Lower High Street
  19. St. Paul's

Additional information