Delivering aim C: Change to realise opportunities

To meet the current and future challenges whilst continuing to deliver high performance and high satisfaction at median cost, CBH needs to evolve as a business. CBH needs to unlock the potential in colleagues, processes, and partnerships to deliver more efficient and effective services from our finite resources and increase the positive impact on customers’ lives.

What success looks like

  • Embrace technology to enhance people focused, efficient and accessible services
  • Identify income generation opportunities
  • Work with CBH to make Cheltenham carbon net zero

Measures of success

  • Ensured 100% of customer facing processes are digitally enabled
  • Increased number of digital transactions year on year
  • Maximised government funding income
  • Identified new income generating business opportunities
  • Worked towards reducing CBH carbon emissions to be carbon net zero by 2030

Embrace technology to enhance people focused, efficient, and accessible services

  • Extend our mobile device technology to deliver enhanced services outside of the office, to improve the overall customer experience and meet regulatory changes
  • Develop systems and streamline processes to deliver efficiencies and improve the customer journey, quality of services and data
  • Enhance the use of data in decision making, resource allocation and shaping service delivery
  • Develop services to become more digitally accessible while maintaining face to face and telephone contact to meet the understood needs of customers

Work with CBH to help make Cheltenham carbon net zero

  • Deliver initiatives to reduce CBH’s business impact on the environment through decarbonisation of the fleet, reduction of energy use, sustainable transport and continue to progress ‘green procurement’
  • Improve ability to monitor CBH’s carbon footprint and achieve a reduction in overall carbon emissions
  • Use CBC’s Climate Impact Assessment tool to ensure we are appropriately considering climate implications in project decision making

Identify funding and income generation opportunities

  • Maximise opportunities available from government funding through Homes England to support the delivery of new homes
  • Maximise opportunities available from the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund to retrofit existing housing stock by continuing to bid for all available funding
  • In partnership with CBH, create opportunities to lobby the Government on the levelling up agenda which could open funding and income opportunities to support our communities in Cheltenham, which often fall into the top 10% of deprivation across the country
  • Maximise PRS opportunities on CBC led strategic sites, including the Golden Valley Development, which supports the delivery of mixed tenure schemes while generating income to be used for social purposes
  • Work with developers to maximise PRS opportunities on private owned schemes. Appendix C refers to a more detailed approach to PRS opportunities
  • Understand external funding opportunities to grow services and resource base
  • Understand income generating opportunities by exploring new business services, such as potentially rolling out some core services into the wider Cheltenham market