Monitoring, scrutiny, and collaboration

Infographic showing the mechanisms in place to ensure delivery of outcomes


There are many mechanisms in place that ensure the outcomes set out for CBC and CBH to deliver are being progressed and are achieving what they set out to do and that performance, satisfaction and compliance levels are on target. These mechanisms must also support an ongoing assessment to ensure they remain the right things to be focused on and that targets remain challenging but reflective of pressures and priorities, an approach which is critical in a rapidly changing operating environment. They achieve the right balance of scrutiny and positive challenge, plus steer and collaborative support for delivery.

Most frequent monitoring and scrutiny is undertaken by CBH Executive Team, with CBH Board scrutinizing, challenging and holding the CBH Executive Team to account, CBH’s Audit and Risk Committee provides a deeper dive into assurance as is necessary. Both Board and Audit and Risk Committee papers are shared by CBH with CBC. Quarterly CBC/CBH strategic and operational meetings between senior leaders and operational managers take place, as set out in the ‘meetings protocol’ which is a schedule to the Management Agreement. There is quarterly reporting to the tenant scrutiny and improvement panel, and an annual report to all tenants, plus annual progress reporting and target setting, as part of the budget setting process, to Cabinet and Council. Externally there are increasing regulatory requirements to report data and outturn into the RSH and Department of Levelling up Housing and Communities (DLUHC).

These mechanisms are broadly shown in the infographic and also listed below. This demonstrates there is robust and ongoing monitoring and scrutiny. It is vital CBH maintains an openand proactive approach to sharing relevant information with CBC and tenants.

  • CBH housing strategy and action planning (annually)
  • Strategic and operational CBC/CBH meetings (quarterly)
  • CBC council and cabinet (annually)
  • CBH board and audit and risk committee (quarterly)
  • Tenant Scrutiny and Improvement Panel (quarterly)
  • Annual reports to tenants
  • CBH executive team (monthly)
  • Regulator of Social Housing (quarterly)
  • Housemark (national benchmarking) (quarterly)