Representation at planning committee privacy statement

Why we collect information about you

We use this information to record you as a speaker at a planning committee. We require your contact details to notify you of any changes to the meeting arrangements.

What information do we collect about you?

We collect and process the following information:

Your name (if you provide it) and the contact details you have supplied (telephone number or email address) and whether you are speaking in favour of or against the application.

Who do we share this information with?

The information provided is stored on a drive which is accessed by staff in Democratic Services.

Your name and whether you are speaking in favour of or against the application are listed in a document which is shared with the relevant planning officers and the Chair of the committee.

Your name will also be recorded in the minutes from the meeting.

Is there any information transferred to or stored on servers based outside the EEA?


How long do we keep your information?

Minutes and reports relating to council meetings and/or committees arepublically available on the council’s website for at least 6 years. After that, they are permanently available for inspection at the council offices or county archive.

Your contact details will be kept on file for up to 1 month.

Who do we collect information from?

We collect this information from information you send to us.

What are the consequences if we do not collect the data?

We would not be able to communicate with you regarding the process and there would be no public record of why your evidence was important to the process.

Are any decisions about you made by automatic means?
