Mayor of Cheltenham's charity gift aid privacy statement

Why we collect information about you

To claim gift aid on donations for the Mayor of Cheltenham’s Registered Charity Appeal. 

(No 1118165).

What information do we collect about you?

The name and address for all Gift Aid declarations, whether they are written, online or verbal. This is to prove that each donor included in the claim has made a declaration.

Who do we share the information with?

The information is shared with the HMRC only.

Is any information transferred to or stored on servers based outside the European Economic Area?


How long do we keep your information?

The Gift Aid Scheme was originally introduced by section 25 Finance Act 1990 but was substantially amended by Finance Act 2000 and later Finance Acts. The current legislation is at sections 413 to 430 Income Tax Act 2007. Under the current we are required to keep this information for six years after the end of the year or accounting period that includes the last donation to which they relate, or at least 12 months after the claim.

Who do we collect information from?

We collect information from donors who have given permission to claim gift aid.

What are the consequences if we do not collect the data?

We would not be able to claim gift aid.

Are any decisions about you made by automatic means?
