Green recycling box and blue bag - FAQs

How often will collections be?
Recycling is collected every two weeks and for most residents this will be on the alternate week from your refuse collection.
Please use our search tool to confirm your collection day. If you are interested in the garden waste service please visit our garden waste pages.
What will I be able to recycle?
Please visit our Recycle Right pages for information on what can be recycled from the kerbside.
I have put out my boxes/bags on the correct day but my collection was missed, what do I do?
Occasionally collections are missed. If your containers were not put out by 7am, they may well not be collected and the crew will not return until the next scheduled collection day. The collection crews record and report any instances where containers have not been put out for collection.
If your collection has been accidentally missed and has not been collected by 3.30pm on your collection day, please contact us or use our report a missed collection online. The crew will have 48 hours to collect the missed bin but will aim to return on the next working day where possible, so please leave your containers out at the kerbside until collection. Please ensure that you contact us within 48 hours of your scheduled collection otherwise we will be unable to return.
I put my receptacles out on the wrong day, what do I do?
Please use our collection day search tool which will confirm your collection day or you can telephone customer services on 01242 262626 or email [email protected] who will be able to help. Unfortunatley on this occasion the crews will not be able to return. Please note: it is not possible to refund or reduce council tax liability if you are unsatisfied with the service you receive.
Will you collect black plastic?
Yes, black plastic can be put in your recycling box with the other mixed plastics and cans/tins. However please note that black plastic plant pots and black polystyrene trays are not accepted.
Will you collect foil?
Yes, clean foil can be put in your recycling box with your cans and mixed plastics or taken to one of the recycling bring sites.
I live on my own, do I have to have two boxes and separate my recycling?
If you live on your own and do not generate much recycling or do not have room for more than one box you can put glass, paper, plastic and tins in one box and use the blue bag for cardboard. Please put your glass in a carrier bag sized plastic bag to keep it separate from the rest of the items in your recycling box. This helps stop crews getting cuts from broken glass hidden within a box.
I do not have room for more than one recycling box, what do I do?
You will need one recycling box for glass, paper, plastics and tins and one blue bag for cardboard. If you have more recycling than will fit in one box you will need to request more recycling containers and the recycling should be sorted. Please check our recycling pages for more information. Please put your glass in a carrier bag sized plastic bag to keep it separate from the rest of the items in your recycling box. This helps stop crews getting cuts from broken glass hidden within a box.
I live in a small house and don't have room for a blue bag – can I put toilet rolls and cereal boxes in my recycling box?
No. Any cardboard must be put in the blue bag provided.
What do I do with shredded paper?
Shredded paper must be put inside an envelope or paper bag and put in the recycling box with your glass and paper, or taken to one of the recycling bring sites or the Swindon Road household recycling centre.
Please note the plastic window does not need to be removed.
I live in a flat – where do I leave my textiles and small electrical items?
Your textiles, small electrical items and household batteries must be left in your bin store or presented next to or on your recycling boxes if you currently use the green recycling boxes that are presented at kerbside.
Please remember that these items can only be presented in a tied carrier bag and textiles must be kept dry. We cannot collect wet textiles and these will be rejected.
What happens if my textiles get wet while waiting to be collected?
We cannot collect wet textiles and these will be rejected, so please ensure they are put in more than one bag that is sealed to keep textiles dry and also place them in either recycling box.
Is there a limit to the number of textile bags I can present?
No limit, but everything must be presented in supermarket sized carrier bags with the handles tied to keep them dry. We are unable to collect wet textiles/shoes and these will be rejected so please ensure they are put in more than one bag that is tied up or sealed to keep the textiles/shoes dry.
How do I know what to put in each recycling box?
To help with how to recycle and what can go in your boxes and blug bag please visit our recycling pages or download our handy recycling guide.
I present my bins on the road at the back of my house – how do I know when the collection will be?
Our records should tell us where your collection is made from and your letter should be correct taking into account your presentation point, however if you are unsure please telephone customer services on 01242 262626 or email [email protected] and we can check the details for you.
Do you collect Tetra Pak (fruit juice or milk cartons)?
No, we do not collect Tetra Pak cartons, however these can be taken to the household recycling centre at Swindon Road and some of the recycling bring sites located around the town (Church Piece Car park, Sainsbury's - Manor Road).
Tetrapak is very expensive to process because the cartons are made up of four different layers of material which have to be separated in order for those component parts to be recycled. There is currently only one facility in the UK which recycles Tetrapak and it is based in Halifax so in addition to the high recycling process costs, it is also expensive to transport it there.
Tewkesbury Borough Council and Stroud District Council do collect Tetra Pak (fruit juice or milk cartons) because they operate a co-mingled/partial co-mingled service which means that all the recycling is mixed together in one wheeled bin and collected by a normal refuse style collection vehicle which compacts it. Cheltenham Borough Council is retaining a kerbside sort method of recycling collection, meaning that each of the materials goes into separate compartments on the vehicle and there isn't enough room for Tetra Pak in addition to paper, mixed plastics, tin cans, glass and cardboard as well as small electrical items, batteries and dry textiles/shoes.
Can I order more recycling boxes and do I have to pay?
You can request more recycling containers online, or contact customer services on 01242 262626 or email [email protected] who can order more for you if you need them. A delivery charge is applicable per item ordered - charges are available on the order page or by contacting customer services. Recycling boxes are normally delivered within four to six weeks of the request however, due to the increased volume of recycling boxes some requests may take longer.
Can I have more than one blue bag for cardboard?
Please contact customer services on 01242 262626 or email [email protected] who can order one extra blue bag if you are unable to manage with just one bag. A delivery charge will apply.
Why do we need to put cardboard in a blue bag now?
All the recycling that is collected is sold on to re-processors and this income helps pay for the waste and recycling service in Cheltenham. To maximise our income it is important to keep the recycling materials (glass, paper, plastics, cans and cardboard) separate.
The decision taken by Cheltenham Borough Council's cabinet and full council as part of approving the new service took into account how cardboard is collected in neighbouring and other authorities.
The new blue bag for cardboard which is provided to residents in addition to the recycling boxes for other recycling materials like plastics, cans, paper and glass, has a weighted bottom to prevent it blowing away in the wind and a lid with a Velcro flap to keep the worst of the rain out.
Plastics, cans, paper and glass cannot be put in the blue bag for cardboard.
I live in a flat with communal recycling bins which are kept in a bin store. How do we recycle cardboard?
Please contact your landlord or managing agent who can contact customer services on 01242 262626 or email [email protected] to request an extra bin for cardboard subject to storage space and a health and safety inspection by Ubico.
I would like to subscribe (or renew my subscription) to the garden bin service how do I do this?
If you are interested in the garden waste service please visit our garden waste pages for further information
Can I only have one garden bin?
No, you can have multiple brown bins which can be ordered from our garden waste pages.