Animal licensing privacy statement
Why we collect information about you
We collect information to undertake the licensing of the following premises and activities: animal boarding establishments, dog breeding, pet vending, riding establishments, dangerous wild animals and zoos
This is undertaken by the council in accordance with the following primary legislation:
- Animal Welfare Act 2006
- Pet Animals Act 1951 as amended
- Animal Boarding Establishments Act 1963
- The Breeding of Dogs Act 1974 and 1991
- Breeding and Sale of Dogs Act 1973 and 1991
- Breeding and Sale of Dogs (Welfare) Act 1999
- Riding Establishments Act 1964 and 1970
- Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976
- Zoo Licensing Act 1981
What information do we collect about you?
We collect information about:
- You (name, address, contact details, experience)
- Your date and place of birth
- The premises
- Household members including the age of any children
- Any previous convictions relating to the activity/licence applied for
Who do we share the information with?
- Internal council departments who require access to your information for the purpose of administration, regulation and law enforcement. From time to time we may share your information with other council departments if the law allows us to do so.
- Other Local Authorities where licences may have been held
- DEFRA where the animal species /type requires it
- Registered veterinary practitioners
- Gloucestershire Constabulary – occasionally we get requests from the police to for information that will assist them in investigating and preventing crime. We can share your information with the police if the law allows us too.
- Cabinet Office (as part of the National Fraud Initiative). The council has a legal duty to submit information to the government as part of the National Fraud Initiative (NFI).You can read about the type of information we have to disclose to the NFI on their website.
- HM Revenue & Customs - The council has a statutory duty under schedule 23 of the Finance Act 2011 to submit returns to the HMRC.
Is any information transferred to or stored on servers based outside the European Economic Area?
How long do we keep your information?
We keep information about you for the lifetime of the operation being undertaken.
Where the activity has ceased or the property is no longer used for the activity, data will be removed within 1 year of us being notified of its closure.
Who do we collect information from?
- You
- Other local authorities where you may have been held a licence
What are the consequences if we do not collect the data?
The council will be unable to fulfil its statutory obligations to licence individuals and premises in relation to animal boarding establishments, dog breeding, pet vending, riding establishments, dangerous wild animals and zoos
Are any decisions about you made by automatic means?